Sunday, December 3

How Many Christmas Trees Can You Fit in a Mini?

Yesterday was the day we went and bought a Christmas tree. We were kind of limited as to what we could get, as we don't know where the nearest garden centre is and we would have to fit it into the mini to get it back home. We did, however, manage to get a 6 foot Normand Fur in there.

We've managed to fit all sorts of odd things in there before, so we felt certain it wouldn't let us down with the Christmas tree!

Tree + Mini = Uncomfortable Conrad

After my description of Christmas the other day, I thought I would post some pictures of the afore-mentioned Christmas treats:

There's a German grocery store here that sells all the things that remind me of Germany - and we found a little gem of a Christmas decoration that I mentioned before:

This is the one we bought:

This is the giant one at the Christmas Market in Manchester:

For size reference, that's a lampost to the right of it.

On a different note, I accidentally deleted my old template and my previous comments disappeared with it! What a palava!


ashli said...

Love Love the photos! Esp the one of conrad the tree, awesome! you'll have to post pics of the tree all decorated!

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Poor Conrad!
If you want your details in the church address list please email them to me at
Keep enjoying advent

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got that tree in your mini! Ha. Thanks for putting up the pictures of the German candle thing - I forgot about those.

Dawn said...

That is a hilarious picture! Poor ?Conrad! I have one of those candle things - Kev got it for me a few years ago and it means a lot to me. I love it when it goes around from the flames. The kiddoes love it as well.