Tuesday, February 19

Self assessment - Life doesn't have to be taxing!

Eddie Izzard, anyone?

It has become clear to me that I think too much. Some might think this isn't actually possible, but when it comes to assessing ones self, I really think it is.

I assess my relationships, I assess the way I'm talking to people while I'm talking to people. And what's worse is that since I've started realising that I assess myself, I am realising that I am assessing myself while I am assessing myself.

This can get kind of annoying. It hasn't helped that my degree was basically teaching me how to study people and analyse them, and since then I have taken a particular like in studying myself and therefore analysing MYSELF. The problem is, I find myself kind of fascinating. I don't really fit into any rule that exists in my head. I've been trying to figure myself out for years. Many a time I will turn to Conrad and go 'did you realise what I just did? Why do you think I did that?' And we'll sit for a couple of minutes analysing me.

Now, this could technically be healthy. Self-awareness is definitely a good thing - realising the effect you have on people and the effect they have on you. But to function as normal human being? It only occured to me recently that other people may not do this. Other people go into their lives just doing what comes naturally - I, however, have to have a reason for everything.

And here I am, writing a post about it.


Wanderlusting said...

I love self-assement...no wait, I meant to say I love Eddie Izzard!

Btw my last name is Halle....:) See you on Facebook?

JJC said...

oh my word...I do this exact thing...like..to. a. T. exact exact. So funny to find this post. Wow...yeah. the worst is when you're in the middle of talking to someone and you start analyzing what you're saying, how they're reacting, are you being too pushy? too loud? Do they connect with you? do they not? should you stop talking? oh shiz, why did I just say that? AHHH!!!! hehehe. Then it's like, the more complicated the situation, the further and further the analysis goes, without end. i lose sleep sometimes because I can't stop thinking about everything. I can't believe this happens to you too. wild.