- He is imaginative, creative. He thinks of things in a different way than your average person. He comes up with solutions to problems, he finds a way around things. He can make a boring day exciting, he can conjure up games to play, or things to do that a new, fresh and exciting.
- He is handy. He is no normal DIYer. He can fix your whole house. He fixes our house, he hangs things, makes things, creates things, creates solutions to storage problems, makes things look prettier, puts all the things I've broken back together again. I say I would like something someday and he stores it away in his brain only to create something like it and show me as a surprise.
- He is crazy talented. He is an actor, and a good one. He's one of the rare few that really move you when you should be moved, and really make you laugh when something is funny. He is incredibly watchable, incredibly raw, and rare in his industry. All that work with him know this, all that have been lucky enough to be his director knows how much he brings to every show he is in. His ideas are original, bright, different. He is the actor I measure every other actor on earth by. He is subtle, he is outrageous, and he deserves to be doing what he loves and is good at every day.
- He is a hard worker. He never quits. His favourite holiday EVER was when we went to build a school in Africa and he could work every single day from 7am till 6pm, hard manual labour. He truly loved it, he hates to have a day of doing nothing. He will do any job you ask him to, and he will do it well. He won't do a quick job, he will make it the best he can for you. He is not afraid of work, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty.
- He is a gentleman. This is one of the reasons I fell in love with him in the first place. He lives by the rule "always walk on the roadside of a lady", he helps people with heavy bags, he shovels icy driveways for the lady upstairs, he will always stand up to let someone else sit down on the bus. He is charming and does so with ease and without thinking twice about it.
- He is sexy. At 31, he has a head full of hair, looks after his body, wears very cool clothes and smells amazing. I think he gets better looking with age.
- He cooks dinner for me every single day. Even when he is working, he gets home and starts to cook. Even now, I am sitting here typing away while Milo is in bed when truly, I could be cooking dinner. He is on the way home from a long day at work and will be making dinner. I actually feel kind of bad now it's written down. He not only makes dinner, but he makes amazing food. He is imaginative even here: duck with red wine ju, rich homemade caesar salads, spicy and creamy Indian curries, homemade mushroom risotto, Moroccan chicken... the list goes ever on and does not get dull. I appreciate the food he makes every single day. If it were up to me, it would be whatever is easy and quick.
- He makes me laugh uncontrollably. He can make a face, sound, move that will keep me laughing for 10 minutes. He is the only person on earth who can make me laugh like this and it always ALWAYS surprises me. The kind of laughing where you don't even really know why it's funny but it just is.
- He makes me remember who I am and what I love, and he wants me to make the most of being me.
- He is an amazing father. Loving, funny, full of fun games and cuddles when they're needed. And he is not afraid of poopy diapers. He takes Milo when I need a couple hours extra sleep. He is full of love.
This is just the beginning of an endless list of why Conrad is amazing.
So lovely, Rachel.
Hooray. Yay for your lovely man!!! Yay for our lovely men!!!
Our husbands are very much alike! Lucky us! :)
I think I might be in love with him now, too.
LOLOLOL, just kidding. What a blessing for you to have each other. A beautiful gift, indeed.
I was thinking about this a couple hours after I read it and the smell thing is weird. I love how Nick smells. His natural man smell. Is it pheromones? Either way - I thought it was interesting that you mentioned his smell. Smell is important.
I love the love. I love it!
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