Sunday, December 12


Milo is sick.

I am still sick.

Conrad is away working.

My anxiety levels are high, I'm unsure how to deal with this type of thing. What is okay for a 3 month old baby? It doesn't help that it's happened on a weekend, where I can't make a doctor's appointment and the only option would be go go to the emergency room. Extreme? I don't even know. So far I've avoided acting the paranoid parent and haven't gone.

But I'm close to the edge.


JJC said...

I was actually thinking about you and this very question- what is okay for a 3 month old?

It sounds like you guys have colds - if it's the same thing of what we all had while there. I slept mine off. You all probably just need sleep. And some mucinex ... I don't know what you give a baby - he cant just sleep drink water and oj - he needs your milk - but what meds? Is there a pharmacy where you can go ask...maybe at TESCo? Target has a pharmacy here- do they do that there?

It's got to be very hard feeling like you can't fix it and don't know how to fix it. That problem seems like the most ongoing struggle for parents. "My child has an issue- I want to fix it, but can't or don't know how" insert anxiety and stress and grief. oof!

Can you look online? Maybe there are solutions there... look up symptoms then cures? ???

Much love - my heart goes to you and bebe.

Rachel said...

yeah, it's difficult. i think it's something other than that cold thing, because i got over that, then got this.. and it's kind of nasty. i haven't wanted to take Milo out because he's so sick - and it's very very cold outside. also, you're not meant to give any kind of medication to babies this young, so... they would've just said to go to doctor's, who isn't open.. yadeedah. it is tough. :(

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

You can go to the out of hours Drs at the weekend. If you call your dr surgery there should be a number to call the out of hours service without needing to go to accident and emergency. You can also call nhs direct rhey have nurses and Drs who can advise over the phone or suggest alternative support. I know this is too late for this timebut we use out of hours all the time instead of the hosp.
Hope you are all improving, on a separate note, we hope to have baby number three with us in June!
Love to you all