Saturday, June 27

I want to write, I really do. I want to talk about India and the things I have learned. The people I met that will change me forever. I want to talk about how I grew more in two weeks than I ever have, how a country's landscape can change you. How an electricity black out in a village too far away from anything with a group of children singing in Kannada can make you feel more at home than you ever have.

I will, I promise. I'll get started quick smart.

You see, life gets in the way. I cycle, I work, I sleep, I spend time with my husband, I drink wine and text my friends. I listen to music, and try to hang on to those moments I had in India... I need to take myself back, and when I do; it will be here.


Dawn said...

I can hardly wait to read it!

Ben said...

Remembering your good times brings a smile to your face, peace to your mind, and grattitude to your heart.

I can't wait to share your memories!

Penny Rene said...

:::ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ::: Where are those memories???