Thursday, August 16

Just Cause

So, I'm sat here - slightly bored, slightly cheeky, slightly brimming with nothing-thoughts. Whenever I start to get a bit ancy, I have to float up a bit and try and look at it all from above, from a less-fortunate frame of mind.

The reason I haven't been writing in blog-land is because I no longer feel the need to vent frustrations and share awful moments that are going on in my life. Because there don't seem to be any! My 25th has definitely been a good year (so far!). Marriage proposals, new proper jobs, experiencing new cultures, cutesy little apartment that allows us to whisk ourselves (and any one who happens to be visiting at the time) to the heart of My Favourite City.

Just a side note, I don't know what it is about the capital of England, but there's some kind of force that makes me, a person totally against patriotism and pride of country, feel pride and a sense of belonging so quickly. An article on the BBC the other day quoted research on immigrants in London and it was found that none of them felt English, but that most of them thought of themselves as Londoners. I personally feel that Londoners are a breed of their own; on the most part, an undersatnding, welcoming, vibrant town that seek out new cultures and new traditions whilst at the same time, maintaining an understanding of where it's coming from and pride of history.

Perhaps my favourite thing about London is that it's pretty hard to get bored. And on a weekend with no money, you can walk around and soak up the buzz, soak up the big city vibe and explore.

This year, I have been fortunate enough to travel. And my appetite for travel is not easily satisfied.

1. February saw me whisked off to Paris to be proposed to...

2. I spent a long and cultured (albeit windy) weekend in Brighton, one of the few English towns I hadn't previously been privileged enough to visit.

3. In July I was lucky enough to be invited to a traditional Buddhist Japanese wedding, in Japan...

There are way too many pictures from Japan- I may have to post on them soon!

4. And a week from today I'm flying across the Atlantic to chose myself a wedding dress in the good ol' U S of A.

So when I sit here shivering in this awful grey, windy (will we ever have a British summer again?) little office I can remember that this year has been extremely good to me, and it's still only August.

Yes, things happen that aren't top-notch. Not every day is exciting and full of treats; normal life is full of evenings watching TV shows that you're ashamed of watching, spending far too much time on public transport for your liking, slacking off at work when your boss is away on holiday, whiling away hours on facebook comparing your own life with those you knew when you were 2 years old.

But I'm so glad that when I take a step back and actually think about it, I am fortunate. I'm living a life that I would look forward to as a kid, that I know I'm being truthful to myself and my values and what I think life should be lived like. I take joy in the small things and get excited for absolutely no reason at all.


Amanda said...

Thanks for sharing your life right now. It made me happy reading it and glad that things are "as they should be" for you at this time. Will look forward to seeing you soon in Colorado!

lifeinsuburbia said...

One week from today Sista!! We're so excited!!

Anonymous said...

Rach, just happened to check your blog. Isn't it interesting how the mundane -every day things- make the exciting times stand out?

someone else said...

It sounds as if you are in exactly the right place for the right time. I'm really happy for you, and it was a delight to see a new post from you.

I wish I could see you while you're in the US, but maybe next time.

Dawn said...

I "just happened" to check again today - the very day you finally wrote again! How neat. Sounds like you're having a good time in life. Nice for you. Can't wait to see you here in the good old U S of A. I hope you find just what you're looking for in a gown (does anyone make anything besides strapless these days???)

See ya!

Anonymous said...

Are you stopping in Idaho at all??